Device Management Platform

Device Management Platform centralizes and unifies the management of devices and data. The management platform provides multiple functions stated below.

Friendly GUI
Friendly UI and simply maintenance platform. Accessible with a web browser, monitor devices easily.

High Performance
A single router can support up to 5,000+ devices. In addition, the platform services can be in a distributed environment, further expanding the number of supported devices.

Stable Operation
7 x 24 hours stable operation, multi-layer authentications. To prevent unauthorized devices that can cause server performance degradation.

High Flexibility
Modular design, easy to configure and add different functions, such as map positioning, failure alarms, etc.

Device Statistics
Real-time view of a wide range of current model product management, online devices, offline devices, and inactive devices.

Device Monitoring
Real-time view of the current device information. This includes CPU memory monitoring, firmware version, current interface type, etc.

Device Maintenance
Support for upgrading configuration files, firmware, and APP to devices remotely.

User Management
Create new user groups or new users to manage devices.

Datasheet: 1-1912231U915.pdf